Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Check up.....

Mika: hate to put in the cage....

Yong: I'm taking leave from work today to send Mika to vet. That is the new cage I brought on 31/12/10.

Mika: Yong, I'm so nervous....

Yong: This is his classic face when I put him in the car. Don't worry Mika, it will be just fine...

Yong: We're here......Are you ready Mika?

Mika: Ready or not, I'm here...Hope I will be handle by the same person from the last visit...

Mika: This is the first thing to do. Check my weight!

Yong: Wow! 6 kilos now after 7 years, you finally reach that scale....You need to do more exercise! And you're right, I need to spend more time with you. The assistant vet then give Mika worm medicine and some of advice to me. I also bump with the doctor and she checked his eyes and ears. The verdict Mika is a very clean cat. I'm glad that Mika is a healthy cat but his under stress now since I'm not always by his side and Aqie like to chase him around. How do I know?

The white spot is the sign of stress. Mika will lick this area and eventually the fur fall off. Now upper part of his tail has been affected also. I really concern about this.

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