Let's start the party! Food are ready and we off to Aqie's school to surprise him...
Are you jealous Mika?
Surprise! Surprise! The kids so excited!
His 4 now....speech please.......ha...ha....
Happy birthday to you.....happy birthday to you.....happy birthday to Hariry Muqrie.......
Acara makan bermula......Aqie helped teacher to distribute the cupcake.....
Doa makan jangan di lupa......
Don't they just so behave and proper during eating......good boys & girls....
Siapa nak jajan(goodies)......sila beratur.....
Kenapa serius Aqie ni? Bagi la jajan tu!
Macam menteri beri hadiah pada rakyat jelata......:o))
Ini untuk cikgu......terima kasih cikgu.......
It looks like a good party at the school.