Monday, October 3, 2011

My story.......

Mika: Hi everybody....I'm home...... do you like to read my story? Glad to be back and visit all my friends again.....

I got to play my favourite ribbon on the night before Yong sent me to that place. Yong was packing her clothes when I crashed in and persuade her to play with me!

The stuffs that Yong brought along to the boarding center in order for me to have comfortable stay.

At the boarding center......
I was so scared and very stressed out. I stayed with other cats that I don't know of....even Yong's t-shirt not helping me to release the stress. No mood to eat......pity me...I lost 0.3 kg from 5.8kg to 5.5kg, but my fur still intact!

Finally home.....
Aaaahhhh.....Yong treats me broiled fish & favourite! How I missed my food....

After all the stressed days, finally I get to have my long and peaceful sleep......

Yong P/S: Thank you to the staffs of KJ Veterinar Clinic for take care of my partner. Even though this is his first time, he dealt it fine. Now... it my job to console him and give as much cuddle and love so that he will gain back his own self.


  1. Alhamdulillah... No place like home, kan Mika...

  2. Glad to see you back Mika. We hope you soon get your weight back with all your favourite food..
