Yong: Yeah...... Mika looks like pirate! I also involve in this silence too. Since I got back from the Kuching vacation, I've been busy with work like mad! Everyday I arrived home late, even I have to force myself to work on Saturday! At the moment, I'm postponing my baking activity. I really miss it!
Mika: This is me last week, always sleep and lay on bed......I guess the experience being left alone during Yong's vacation has affect my health this time.
Yong: Mika never had health issue before, but with the boarding experience......you never know right. Well.....I can't never give up to support him with love and cuddle.....
Mika: Aqie, was such a great kid during that time. He behave good and really care for my health. He even persuade Yong to quickly send me to the vet. Well......kid will be always kid, he still can't resist to bully me but with less roughness.......he..he...
Yong: Since I never got a chance to celebrate Mika's Gothca Day last weekend, I bought his favourite chicken today and got his new tiger- stripped collar
Yong: The chicken need to be shredded......first laaaaa....now it's ready for you.... your highness.......
Yong: We would like to wish all our Hindu's friend Happy Diwali!
Yoyong is being unfair to Mommy and Aki...where is our KFC..huhuhuhu...nak jugaaaaaakkkkk