Monday, August 29, 2011

Future Malaysia Master-chef Junior

Yong: This coming Eidil Fitri will be a bit gloomy since we are unable to "balik kampung" since Aqie's daddy admitted to hospital on Saturday due to dengue fever. Not sure when he will discharge and since yesterday the fever has slightly decreased but doctor still keep monitor on his blood plalete level.

Well, we must keep up beat the celebration though, and we had a future master-chef junior in the making too......:o)) Aqie so excited to help me to prepare the cake. I asked him to pour the flour into the choc cake batter.

Aqie: Hmmmm......Mama Yong.....sedapnya bau........

Yong: Mika just look us from behind......Don't be jealous ok.......

Yong: Aqie help me to smash the chipsmore cookies for blueberry cheese cake base. He really give a good smash until his hand hurt......

Aqie: Mama Yong.......dah ke ni?? Aqie penat dah tumbuk ni!

Both cakes ready for garnishing. Will show in the next enty wait.......

Aqie also help me to make chocolate chips cookies which I prepare for my Auntie and also for ours too... last two weeks.

Aqie: Dah siap Mama Yong!

Yong: Hope you had a good Eidil Fitri preparation and don't over work ok.........

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